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Clean line work

A line to capture the essence of a subject

Illustrated portrait of Simone de Beauvoir

Cover of MasterClass Magazine about demistifying Curry

Victoriant hallway with a door, in a blue line style illustration.

Illustration of le Printemps building in Paris. Brown line on white

Illustration of Elan's mythic café. Four sofas around a table are surrounded by hearts on the wall.

Illustration for Ralph Lauren for a store opening in Berlin. Blue and gold clean lines

Leonardo da Vinci first bathingsuit for the Blancpain timeline.

Drawing of a sea monster in black and white

Sea monster for the BBC timeline of Blancpain

Illustration of a lost city in the deep ocean for the BBC

Jelly fish line drawing for Blancpain timeline

Shark drawing for the BBC

Architectural illustration for Casa de Comporta website

Simple line heart. Arabesque and flowers.

Simple line composition for Masterclass. Pepper, lotus, incense.

Simple line composition for Masterclass. Ginger, cardamom, jewels.

Simple line composition for Masterclass. Cinnamon, rice, mandala.

I have several approaches to my illustration work, and it will depend a lot on the expectations and needs of my client.

Clean line, a greater clarity illustration.

Clean line illustration is characterized by the use of simple lines and the desire to create a clear, easy to understand image. Using this approach is ideal for capturing the essence of a subject without overwhelming the viewer with too much detail. Some of my clients, such as Ralph Lauren, want a clean line because it can speak to a lot of people while maintaining a handmade, luxurious feel. Perfect for a brand of this scale!

The clean line illustration to support a speech.

This type of illustration lends itself very well to time lines, communication supports. They are discreet but just present enough to elegantly dress up a subject. Building, architectural scene, portrait, everything can lend itself to the exercise.

The clear line, a more modern way to illustrate subjects in a sensitive but precise way.